
Grow Your Own Food Meme

Nurture Your Nature in Reflections and Sayings Old and New

A quote is like a seed to a plant. The original seed idea can grow into so much more, so here we're sharing some of our favorite garden memes (quotes on images). We hope you enjoy them, and please send us your favorites and finds and we'll add them here.

At the end of the day, no matter our age, we're all looking for a deeper sense of purpose and connection with each other and nature.

Connecting with nature restores our own.


This garden meme is from a Gardens All Facebook community member, Connie Oliveaux. She's made some LOVELY creative garden signs and garden spaces.

Image by Connie Oliveaux, artist, gardener, fisher and lover of life and growing!

Garden sign and quote created by Connie Oliveaux… artist… gardener… fisher… lover of life and growing!

And… Connie created this one too… super clever with the danglies that look like water! Connie said she made the sign and arrangement, though she didn't originate this quote.


Abundance Garden Memes

"There is no end to the bounty of Mother Nature. There's enough for everybody, and that's one thing you will learn from gardening."
~Ron Finley, fashion designer, 'Guerilla Gardener'

"Give our plants all that they need and they'll give us more in return."

Pareto's Principle states that we get 80% of our results from 20% of our work. That has certainly been true in our gardening.

Alchemy in Gardening Quotes

Gardeners are alchemists. They know how to turn crap into crops.
~LeAura Alderson,

GARDEN QUOTE - GARDEN MEME: Gardener know how to turn negatives to positives... lemons to lemonade and crap into crops! #GardenQuote #GardenersQuote #Gardeners #Alchemy #Positivity #GardensAll #Transmutation

Audrey Hepburn Garden Quote

We have several different versions of this famous garden quote by Audrey Hepburn. Pick your favorite one to share.

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."
~Audrey Hepburn, British actress, 1929-1993

To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow, Audrey Hepburn Quote #GardenMemes #ToPlantAGardenQuote #BelieveInTomorrowQuote #GardenQuotes
One of the most popular quotes shared on gardening by gardeners is this quote by Audrey Hepburn: "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow, Audrey Hepburn Quote #GardenMemes #ToPlantAGardenQuote #BelieveInTomorrowQuote #GardenQuotes

Autumn quotes

No king has a throne more beautiful than a bench covered with the autumn leaves!
~Mehmet Murat ildan, Turkish playwright, novelist, philosopher, b.5/16/1965

Birds in the Garden

"I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries, and very frankly give them fruit for their songs."
~Joseph Addison, English essayist, poet, playwright, 1672-1719

Joseph Addison quote on blackbirds in the garden.

Blessings from the Garden

Therapy, art, exercise, solace and JOY! Nature nurtures all souls that pause to observe and appreciate it and blesses those who tend to it.
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator ®

Magical Moments in the Garden:
Walking barefoot through the garden munching flowers… a luna moth alights in my hair.

GARDEN QUOTES & MEMES: Magical garden moments. Luna moth up close. #LunaMoth #GardenMagic #SpecialMoments #GardensAll
Luna Moth alights – Image by

"The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses."
~Hanna Rion, American-born artist & writer, 1875-1924

Celebrity Garden Quotes – listed alphabetically by first name

"When I pass a flowering zucchini plant in a garden, my heart skips a beat."
~Gwyneth Paltrow, actress, author b/9/27/1072

"I love being in my garden. I don't plant a lot of exotic flora, but I do spend a lot of time outside doing manual labour."
~Jacqueline Bisset, English actress, b.9-13-1944

Jacqueline Bisset quote on gardening

Children and Gardening

"In every gardener is a child who loves to play in the dirt. In every child is a gardener ready to grow."

"In every gardener is a child who loves to play in the dirt in every child is a gardener ready to grow."  -Gardens All  #GardenQuotes #Inspirational #Funny #Signs #Wisdom #Short #Flower #Vegetable #Simple #Life #Fairy #Happy #Cute #Family #Sayings #Enchanted #Hilarious #Botanical #Growing #Zen #Rose #Spring #Herb #Aesthetic

"If kids grow kale, kids eat kale. If they grow tomatoes, they eat tomatoes. But when none of this is presented to them, if they're not shown how food affects the mind and the body, they blindly eat whatever you put in front of them."
~Ron Finley, fashion designer, 'Guerilla Gardener'

GA - Grow Kale

Famous Garden Quotes

"Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made
By singing, 'Oh, how beautiful!' and sitting in the shade."
~Rudyard Kipling, excerpt "The Glory of the Garden", 1865-1936

Farm Wisdom and Farmer Quotes

Calligraphy by Martha Grow

These quotes that Martha Grow used on her calligraphy piece are listed below this image in text in case you want to copy and paste any of them.

In winter's chill or summer heat, a farmer works so the world can eat.

The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale and pays freight both ways.
~John F. Kennedy, 35th US President, 1917-1963

What you see depends on how you view the world. To some people dirt is just dirt. To farmers, it's potential.

The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn't still be a farmer.
~Will Rogers, actor, columnist, commentator, 1879-1935

Farmers don't just work 'til the sun goes down, the work 'til the job gets done.

Keep your friends close and your farmers closer.
~Martha Grow, calligraphy artist

"The family farm is more than a business, the family farm is a lifestyle, an ideal worth preserving."

I'd rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.
~George Washington, 1st US President, 1732-1799

Flowers Memes & Quotes

I go with friends I love among these beds.
Where friend and flower do speak alike to me,
Sometimes with silences, sometimes with words.
~by William Brooks, 1918, (see full poem in our garden poems article.

NOTE: No biographical info has been found on this author. Please let us know if you have a reliable link with that info.

"Happy childhood memories of a beautiful garden and a jasmine vine which would open in the evenings, giving off a divine scent."
~Carolina Herrera, Venezuelan fashion designer for President's Wives, b.1/8/1939

I hardly have any spare time! But when I do, I garden a lot. I love plants and flowers.
~Soundarya, award winning Indian Actress, 1972-2004

For more flower quotes and memes.

Garden quote by K. S. Sowmya, aka, Soundarya, award winning Indian Actress

"With a few flowers in my garden, half a dozen pictures and some books, I live without envy."
~Lope de Vega, Spanish poet, playwright, novelist, 1562-1635

With flowers I live without envy quote by Lope de Vega

"I must have flowers, always, and always."
~Claude Monet, French Impressionist painter, 1840-1926

Freedom – Garden Memes & Quotes

"Gardens to me, represent freedom."
~Ron Finley, 'Gangsta Gardener'

Friends – The Garden is a Friend Quotes

I've always felt that having a garden is like having a good and loyal friend.
~C.Z. Guest, actor, author, fashion designer, horsewoman 1920-2003

Gardens Memes & Quotes

"Gardens are not made by singing 'Oh, how beautiful!' and sitting in the shade."
~Rudyard Kipling, Victorian poet, novelist, 1865-1936

"The many great gardens of the world, of literature and poetry, of painting and music, of religion and architecture, all make the point as clear as possible: The soul cannot thrive in the absence of a garden."
~Sir Thomas More, English lawyer, philosopher, author, Chancellor

"When you increase the number of gardens, you increase the number of heavens too!"
~Mehmet Murat ildan, Turkish author & playwright, b.1965

You can find good garden poetry in this article.

Never help a beekeeper who's running!
~Shannon DeAnna Schofield, beekeeper

The best fertilizer is the gardeners shadow.

"My extravagance is my garden, it's the first thing I look at every morning when I wake up. It gives me so much pleasure."
~Ina Garten, author, 'Barefoot Contessa', b.2/2/1948

Ina Garten garden quote.

Garden – The Garden

Complexity excites the mind, and order rewards it. In the garden one finds both, including vanishingly small orders too complex to spot and orders so vast the mind struggles to embrace them.
~Diane Ackerman, American poet, essayist, author, naturalist, b.10/7/1948

Garden quote by naturalist, poet, writer and author, Diane Ackerman

"The more help a person has in his garden, the less it belongs to him."
~William Henry Davies, Welsh poet, writer, hobo, 1871-1940

Garden quote by William Henry Davies (aka W.H. Davies), Welsh poet, writer, 1871-1940

Gardeners Quotes

"Ideas are always disturbing, especially new ideas. Most normal, charming, intelligent adults have learned to leave their minds alone and so are immune to new ideas. But not gardeners. These unfortunates are susceptible to every new idea carried by the wings of chance."
~Josephine Neuse, in The Country Garden (1970), US Gardening writer, 1923-2012

"It was not until I had been gardening for about twenty years that I began to understand what a great pleasure it is to work at something one loves."
~Gertrude Jekyll, English gardener, horticulturist, author, artist, created over 400 gardens, 1843-1932

GARDENER QUOTES - GARDENING QUOTE - IDEAS QUOTE:   "[Gardeners] are susceptible to every new idea carried by the wings of chance.

Gardening Quotes and Memes

"Gardening is not just planting seeds and watching them sprout. As we nurture the plants, we nurture our soul."
~LeAura Alderson,

Gardening makes sense in a senseless world. The more gardens in the world, the more justice, the more sense is created.
~Andrew Weil, MD, natural health advocate, author, b.6/8/1942

Gardening Quote by Dr. Andrew Weil – Gardening makes sense!

Gratitude – Garden Memes

A positive attitude of gratitude is like health food for the mind. Be grateful daily and you will be healthier and happier for life.
~LeAura Alderson,

Plants cry their gratitude for the sun in green joy.
~Terri Guillemets, owner –

Growth and Growing Quotes

Shared from Facebook – no source given. Contact us if it's yours so we can give credit.

When the going gets tough, the tough get GROWING!

"The fern unfurls her spiraled tendrils, for she knows that to grow she must let go."
~LeAura Alderson,

The fern unfurls her spiraled tendrils, for she knows that to grow she must let go

Happiness and Garden Quotes

"If you want to see a happy person, look at someone who has planted a garden, because they will always be contented, no matter what happens."
~Author Unknown

Health and Gardening Memes & Quotes

"If you aren't eating healthy, nutritious, vibrant food, how's anything in you gonna grow?"
~Ron Finley, fashion designer, 'Guerilla Gardener'

"The drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys."
Ron Finley, fashion designer, 'Guerilla Gardener'

Community gardens, drive thrus are killing more people than drive bys, ron finley

Herbs and Herb Garden Quotes

"Fresh herbs really belong anywhere you put them."
Alex Guarnaschelli, chef, author, b.1972

Hope for the Future – Garden Quotes & Memes

"It was not until the last century that people began to realize that they could make their gardens into living works of art."
~Gertrude Jekyll, English gardener, 1843-1932

It takes great faith to plant a tree that only the next generation will see.

She who plants a garden plants hope.

To plant a tree is to believe in the future.

"All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today."
-Chinese Proverb

"All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today."   -Chinese Proverb  #GardenQuotes #Inspirational #Funny #Signs #Wisdom #Short #Flower #Vegetable #Simple #Life #Fairy #Happy #Cute #Family #Sayings #Enchanted #Hilarious #Botanical #Growing #Zen #Rose #Spring #Herb #Aesthetic

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."
~Audrey Hepburn, British actress, 1929-1993

To Plant a Garden is to Believe in tomorrow, Audrey Hepburn Garden Quote #AudreyHepburnGardenQuote #GardenQuote #PlantAGardenQuote #BelieveInTomorrowQuote #GardensAll


Morning Lark, Night Owl or Hummingbird?

🌤20% of the population are morning larks, (wake up before 6 am without an alarm; to bed by 9 pm)
🌤 20% are night owls (often to sleep after 3am and up around 10 am)
🌤60% are hummingbirds (somewhere in between)®

Mistakes and Gardening Memes

"There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments."
-Janet Kilburn Phillips

"There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments."  -Janet Kilburn Phillips  #GardenQuotes #Inspirational #Funny #Signs #Wisdom #Short #Flower #Vegetable #Simple #Life #Fairy #Happy #Cute #Family #Sayings #Enchanted #Hilarious #Botanical #Growing #Zen #Rose #Spring #Herb #Aesthetic

Money and Garden Memes and Quotes

"Growing your own food is like printing your own money."
-Ron Finely

"Growing your own food is like printing your own money."  -Ron Finely  #GardenQuotes #Inspirational #Funny #Signs #Wisdom #Short #Flower #Vegetable #Simple #Life #Fairy #Happy #Cute #Family #Sayings #Enchanted #Hilarious #Botanical #Growing #Zen #Rose #Spring #Herb #Aesthetic

Nature Quotes and Memes

"It is not enough to look at the stars – one must also get out into the country."
~Walt Whitman, American Poet, 1819-18

Optimism – Gardener Memes

Gardening fosters happiness and positivity and is even therapeutic in helping to alleviate stress, anxiety and depression. The other thing that helps is to choose good thoughts which are like garden produce for the mind. Healthy thoughts creates a healthy outlook.

Bloom where you are planted.

"Planting seeds in your garden is like planting thoughts in your mind.  Nourish the good ones and pull out the weeds."
~LeAura Alderson,

"Planting seeds in your garden is like planting thoughts in your mind.  Nourish the good ones and pull out the weeds."  -LeAura Alderson  #GardenQuotes #Inspirational #Funny #Signs #Wisdom #Short #Flower #Vegetable #Simple #Life #Fairy #Happy #Cute #Family #Sayings #Enchanted #Hilarious #Botanical #Growing #Zen #Rose #Spring #Herb #Aesthetic

Peace and Garden Memes and Quotes

"There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations."
~Washington Irving, American writer, author, historian, diplomat, 1783-1859

Yesterday I stayed in my gardens and peace hugged me.
~Shannon Schofield, gardener, beekeeper, author, b.1977

Positivity – Garden Memes & Quotes

"Plant good thoughts and weed out the bad, and more good will grow."
~LeAura Alderson,

"Positivity is like a healthy garden-to-table meal… it nourishes the mind as fresh veggies do the body."
~LeAura Alderson,

"Plant good thoughts and weed out the bad, and more good will grow."
~LeAura Alderson,

"Planting seeds in your garden is like planting thoughts in your mind.  Nourish the good ones and pull out the weeds."
~LeAura Alderson,

"Planting seeds in your garden is like planting thoughts in your mind.  Nourish the good ones and pull out the weeds."  -LeAura Alderson  #GardenQuotes #Inspirational #Funny #Signs #Wisdom #Short #Flower #Vegetable #Simple #Life #Fairy #Happy #Cute #Family #Sayings #Enchanted #Hilarious #Botanical #Growing #Zen #Rose #Spring #Herb #Aesthetic

We're always adding to this Garden Memes article, so please send us your favorites on nature, garden and gardening memes and we'll be glad to add them here.

Rain Quotes

"Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life."
~John Updike, American novelist, poet, short-story writer, 1932-2009

John Updike quote on rain.

Silence Quote

How lovely is the silence of growing things.
~Evan Dicken, short fiction author

Spring Garden Memes

"My heart quickens to the breath of spring as a hummingbird's beat of wing, and flowers nectar my wintered soul."
~LeAura Alderson,®

Spring sprouts eternal in the heart of every gardener, LIFTING the weight of winter from the weathered soul.
~LeAura Alderson, co-owner –

"In the springtime, when the earth begins to wake up after winter, there is no place more magical than a garden. It is a place where we can see ourselves reflected back at us, and feel that we too are alive."
~Jill Conner, author of "Gardening With Children"

EDITOR'S NOTE: We could not find this author's information or book so perhaps it is are older and no longer available.

Spring Haiku


Spring dreaming awake
Shaking off winter's slumber
Flowers yawn at dawn.

LeAura Alderson, creator®

For many more spring haiku poems, visit our creator site.

SPRING HAIKU and Purple Flowers ART-Awakening-#SpringHaikuPoem #SpringHaiku #HaikuPoem #SpringPoems #Poetry #HaikuPoetry #iCreateDaily #AwakenPoem
If you know the artist, please let us know so that we may give tribute here.

Therapy – Garden Therapy Quotes

I enjoy painting, cutting the lawn and working in the garden when I have time. That's therapy for me. I enjoy working with my hands.
~Billy Williams, Hall of Fame baseball player, author, b.6/15/1938

Trees – Quotes and Memes

"The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now."
-Chinese Proverb

"The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now."  -Chinese Proverb  #GardenQuotes #Inspirational #Funny #Signs #Wisdom #Short #Flower #Vegetable #Simple #Life #Fairy #Happy #Cute #Family #Sayings #Enchanted #Hilarious #Botanical #Growing #Zen #Rose #Spring #Herb #Aesthetic

"Advice from a tree:
Stand tall and proud.
Go out on a limb.
Remember your roots.
Drink plenty of water.
Be content with your natural beauty.
Enjoy the view."

"Advice from a tree:  Stand tall and proud. Go out on a limb.  Remember your roots.  Drink plenty of water.  Be content with your natural beauty.  Enjoy the view."  -Anon.  #GardenQuotes #Inspirational #Funny #Signs #Wisdom #Short #Flower #Vegetable #Simple #Life #Fairy #Happy #Cute #Family #Sayings #Enchanted #Hilarious #Botanical #Growing #Zen #Rose #Spring #Herb #Aesthetic

Urban Gardening

"Rebellion is not what you think."
Ron Finley, fashion designer, 'Guerilla Gardener'

Community gardens, rebellion is not what you think, ron finley, guerilla gardener

If you put beauty in a place that generally doesn't have it… that's a game changer.
Ron Finley, fashion designer, 'Guerrilla Gardener'

These quotes provide healthy food for thought, in how we think about gardening. Please check out this article on Ron Finley, Guerrilla Gardener, and be inspired by the transformation of cities and generations.

Gardening is not just a hobby activity. It helps the quality of our lives, our children's lives, and our micro-environments, which feeds the health of the macro-environment.

Check out this interesting trailer on Ron Finley's Master Class… we loved the tip about old drawers.

Weeds Quotes and Memes

"Plant good thoughts and weed out the bad, and more good will grow."
~LeAura Alderson,

"In the garden, as in life, focus on growing the good and beautiful and the weeds get crowded out."
~LeAura Alderson,

"Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them."
~Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne

"Planting seeds in your garden is like planting thoughts in your mind.  Nourish the good ones and pull out the weeds."
~LeAura Alderson,

"Planting seeds in your garden is like planting thoughts in your mind.  Nourish the good ones and pull out the weeds."  -LeAura Alderson  #GardenQuotes #Inspirational #Funny #Signs #Wisdom #Short #Flower #Vegetable #Simple #Life #Fairy #Happy #Cute #Family #Sayings #Enchanted #Hilarious #Botanical #Growing #Zen #Rose #Spring #Herb #Aesthetic

Winter Memes

"From December to March, there are for many of us THREE GARDENS: The garden outdoors, the garden of pots and bowls in the house, and the garden of  the mind's eye."
~Katherine S. White, writer, editor, 1892-1977

"From December to March, there are for many of us THREE GARDENS: The garden outdoors, the garden of pots and bowls in the house, and the garden of  the mind's eye."  ~Katherine S. White, writer, editor, 1892-1977
Garden quote on 3 gardens from December to March by Katherine S. White.

"Anyone who thinks that gardening begins in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year; for gardening begins in January with the dream"
~Josephine Neuse, US Gardening writer, 1923-2012

"How many lessons of faith and beauty we should lose, if there were no winter in our year!"
~Thomas Wentworth Higginson

Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle… A seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl. And the anticipation nurtures our dream.
~Barbara Winkler, American author, former editor-Family Circle magazine

GARDEN QUOTE - GARDE MEME: Under the cloak of winter lies a miracle... " #GardenMeme #GardenQuotes #WinterGardenMeme #WinterMeme #SpringMeme #GardensAll

"What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness."
~John Steinbeck, American author, Nobel Prize winner, 1902-1968

Image by Gabriela Piwowarska from Pixabay

Spring sprouts eternal in the heart of every gardener, LIFTING the weight of winter from the weathered soul.
~LeAura Alderson, co-owner –

Spring sprouts eternal in the heart of every gardener, LIFTING the weight of winter from the weathered soul.  ~LeAura Alderson, co-owner -
Spring sprouts eternal…Lifting the weathered soul.

Wisdom Quotes and Memes


Gardener, you have
more wisdom than you know.
Write it… Share it

and it will grow.
Your wisdom is the fruit

of your life...
the gift of lessons learned,
and battle scars earned.
Plant the seeds,
share the harvest
and blessings will flow.

LeAura Alderson,

"Gardens to me, represent freedom."
~Ron Finley, 'Gangsta Gardener'

Wisdom from the Garden of Life

A Journal for Reflections and Gratitude

Nature is such a wealth of wisdom and inspiration, and gardeners are especially so in tune with the many lessons it can teach.  Last year, we asked the GardensAll Facebook Community to share lessons they'd learned from Nature.

So many people sent in awesome quotes… so we created 'The Wisdom Journal: Nature is the Best Classroom'. People who never imagined becoming published, can now see their contributions within the pages and image in the Wisdom Journal.

Journaling is a wonderful way to stop and reflect on the wonder of nature and life's many blessings. Our lessons learned become wisdom that has value for someone else who might see it at the right time and place. This is a journal to document your wisdom from nature and reflect over the awe and inspiration life has to offer.

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Grow Your Own Food Meme


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