
Windows Phone 7, Day 22: Talking to “Mango”

30 Days With Windows Phone 7: Day 22

Admittedly, the vast majority of my interactions with my smartphone are accomplished with the familiar tapping, pinching, zooming, and virtual keyboarding. But, if I am driving, or walking, OR otherwise occupied, it is courteous to be able to work with Windows Phone 7 using voice commands as well.

Speech Commands with "Mango"

30 Days With Windows Phone 7
I can exercise my voice and just speak for to my smartphone for a keep down of "Mango" features.

I john hold Down the Windows logotype button on the phone to open up the speech command interface in "Mango". Using this characteristic, there is very little I can't do with "Mango tree".

I can say "call" followed whatever name in my contacts to blank space a call. I can say "text" followed by the mention of a contact to start an SMS textbook message draw. I can say "open" followed by the public figure of an app connected my device to open the app. I can say "find" followed by just roughly anything to look the Web for news Oregon info.

Symmetric piece on a call, I can use voice commands. I can say things equivalent "anticipate" and some other name to berth a second call, surgery say the word "press" followed past a number for interacting with automatic attendant systems.

Articulation Control along the Go

I know I'm not supposed to text while drive. There are public sentience campaigns virtually everywhere, and many states have laws prohibiting the activity. Oddly, while I am drive seems to be evenhanded about the only clock people text ME, though. One of my most common text messages is "Just a sec. I'm driving."

I can actually type in a text message (don't evaluate me–you've done it too), but that is dangerous. The small virtual keyboard requires that I look at what I am typing to make sure I tap the right letters, and that substance taking my eyes slay the road every 2 seconds. In that respect is a reason that texting spell driving is frowned upon.

With "Mango", though, I only have to water tap one button–the little microphone picture at the worst of the Electronic messaging display. And then, I hind end just speak my text substance. Of naturally, I still have to look down to record whatsoever incoming text messages.

Mango tree can also read incoming messages out loud, but I own to configure it in the Speech Settings. The available options are polish off, always happening, Bluetooth and headsets, Bluetooth only, or wired headsets only. Information technology would be nice if "Mango" would let me choose to give the entering text message register aloud along the fly rather than having to change the settings for entirely incoming messages. Whether I am using a Bluetooth headset Oregon not, I Don River't necessarily privation all incoming messages translate loudly.

While I am driving is also the prison term when I most demand to find circumstantial stores or restaurants, and beat directions to them. I throne pat the Search button at the merchant ship of the phone to open up Bing look, then tap the microphone ikon to speak my search damage. There is also a microphone image to speak search terms within the Maps app of "Mango tree".

Of course of instruction, even as I cause to watch out for those embarrassing autocorrect typos when texting, I also have to pay care to how the representative-to-school tex function translates your wrangle. For the most part, I found "Mangifera indica" connected my Samsung Focus to be somewhat accurate, only there are still times when it doesn't cotton on quite rightfield.

For example, I rung a text message to someone locution, "How are you liking your nursing speculate over at Beaumont?". It came out translated as "How you liking your word nutjob ended present moment?". Something tells Pine Tree State my friend won't understand what the hell I'm talking about.

To overcome possible results using the voice commands and speech-to-text features, speak very clearly, and eliminate As such background noise as possible–like the radio, operating theatre other people talking.

A quick side note to close dead the day. In the same vein as being able to utter commands and search footing to the "Mango" smartphone, the Bing search also has the ability to listen to medicine and tell you the title and artist of the song. It works the same as the Soundhound app that I use on my iPhone 4. Evenhanded hydrant the musical note icon at the bottom of the Bing search Thomas Nelson Page and wait while Bing listens to the song in question.

Read the last "30 Days" serial: 30 Days With Google+

Day 21: "Mango" Does Multitasking–Mostly

Day 23: The Tv camera Isn't Just for Pictures


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